[PSB x GRAL] student day 2024

~150 students, including about 50 first year PhD students, are currently preparing a PhD thesis within the Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) and the Grenoble Alliance for Integrated Structural & Cell Biology (GRAL).

The goal of the “PSB x GRAL student day” is to give all these young scientists a chance to interact with each other and to present and discuss their research project in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

Organized by Théodore Arnaud (ILL), Florent Bernaudat (PSB), Ahmad Hammoud (IBS), Aleksandra Mironova (LPCV), Serena Sleiman (IBS), Anne-Mathilde Thierry (GRAL), Maria Val Pevida (IBS), Jules van der Walt (EMBL), Luca von Scholley (ESRF), Jill von Velsen (EMBL)

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